First Senior Year

So all that stuff that I said I loved about rowing? Yeah I still hate it, but this time I hate it even more. On Saturday after, our race in Poland, signals the end of my first year as an actual serious rower. This means the training sucks even more, and the competition is even stronger than before.

I didn’t really expect much going into this year, as I have only been rowing less than a year, and I knew I would be up against guys that are taller, stronger and older in rowing years than me. However the year in general didn’t go to bad.

Well that was a lie, pretty much everything that could of gone wrong. Went wrong. Broken boats, (and other stuff..). Cancelled races, and loads, and loads. And loads. of injuries. By far the most horrible part of the year was the winter. Most people called it ‘The Winter Grind” (I’ll go more into that on my next post) But once that was over the sun came out and everything got a bit better. I say a bit because rowing in the searing heat twice a day wasn’t ideal. So English of me I know.

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Besides the negatives there were one or two positives….we had some great races, great wins and great personal bests on testing days, just one final weekend together then we can pretend to say we’ll stay in touch. But in reality go out of our ways to avoid each other next year.

So off we venture to Poland for our last race of the year. Exciting stuff, and a once in a lifetime opportunity. So far leading up to this race nothing major has gone wrong, so here’s fingers crossed that we keep this lucky patch going, at least so much so that we get back to Lincoln alive. Just imagine. Eight stressed out alcohol and sleep deprived guys walking the streets of Poland who are all sick of each other  walking the streets of Poland. I wonder what could go wrong.
